Analisis Kualitas Sistem Informasi Akademik Menggunakan Pendekatan Model WebQual 4.0 Pada Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur

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Mochammad Fuad Pandji Fikri
Muhammad Yusuf Ardiansyah
M. Rizal Abdullah Rozi
Muhammad Nizar Zulmi
Vanya Nouvanty


Information technology has a huge impact on the educational aspect, especially in higher education institutions, as evidenced by the introduction of academic information systems. Pembangunan Nasional University Veteran of East Java is one of the universities that have implemented the Academic Information System (SIAMIK). SIAMIK of Pembangunan Nasional University Veteran of East Java is a web-based system  used as a medium for dissemination of student academic information. The purpose of this study was to determine the SIAMIK quality of Pembangunan Nasional University Veteran of East Java using the WebQual 4.0 measurement model. Samples were drawn using simple random sampling and results were obtained for 391 active students at Pembangunan Nasional University Veteran of East Java. The  data collection method was conducted by distributing questionnaires, and  the data analysis method was the SEM-PLS method. As a result, an R-square value of 70.9% indicates that the quality of the SIAMIK website is affected by  three variables in the original WebQual. The quality of the SIAMIK website has a positive effect on the satisfaction of student users. This is evidenced by  hypothesis testing that  the variables in this study are very important for user satisfaction.

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