Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Hama dan Penyakit Pada Umbi Porang dengan Metode Certainty Factor
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Porang, known as tuber plant (Amorphophalusllus muelleri), is an edible producing plant because it is one family with suweg (elephant foot yam) and walur. Porang plants are widespread and used by the community. High economic value and great business opportunities encourage the community and entrepreneurs to cultivate porang plants. To say the least, they must encounter obstacles such as capital to plant porang, one of the causes of porang cultivation failure is pest and disease attacks. Research on the identification of pests and diseases of porang tubers was carried out using the Certainty Factor method. Firstly, the application development stage begins with the analysis and case study stages that generate information, data requirements and system requirements. Secondly, system and software design produces something, namely context, flow, entity relationship, table, and interface menu designs. The last stage is implementing and unit testing using XAMPP, PHP and MySQL. This research will produce an expert system for pests and diseases on porang tubers that can diagnose various pests and diseases with an average CF confidence value of 94.5% and the percentage of system suitability with expert diagnoses reaching 96.6%.
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