Audit Sistem Informasi Portal Layanan Mahasiswa Pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UPN Veteran Jawa Timur Menggunakan Framework Cobit 4.1

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Khansa Renata Renata
Christanti Ayu Permatasari
Siti Mukaromah


Currently, many organizations are adopting Information Technology to improve performance and assist business processes within the organization, including in universities. One of the organizations that adopts Information Technology is the Fasilkom Information System site at the "Veteran" National Development University in East Java. Where on the website provides a student service portal. The purpose of this existence is as a medium to access information and student needs in a fast and ef ective time. Management of Information Technology in a structured way can help improve performance and assist business processes and can also reduce risks that may arise on information technology. In implementing IT governance to bridge a current technology problem with future needs, it is necessary to implement the COBIT 4.1 framework using the Deliver and Support (DS) domain. This framework helps the management to understand the maturity level of an information technology that has been applied so that it can be in line with IT processes and resources to find out the business picture of the institution. The explanation above means that the objectives to be achieved from this research are for the application of information systems and ongoing IT governance on the Fasilkom website.

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